Declarations on Smoking

“No boy ever began smoking because he liked it, but generally because either he feared being chaffed by the other boys as afraid to smoke, or because he thought that by smoking he would look a great man - when all the time he only looks like a little ass.”
          Lord R. Baden Powel, Founder
          of the Scout Movement. 1900.

“The tobacco industry produces deadly weapons and makes its profits through human sacrifice! - The leaders of tobacco concerns lack all social responsibility!”
          R. F. Kennedy,
          US Minister of Justice. 1967.

“There is no hope of finding a safe cigarette... If reduction of tar and nicotine levels gives some slight gain, it is trivial compared with the benefits from cessation of smoking.”
          Sir George Godber, M.D.

“...Should a machine at a workshop emit so much carcinogens as the open fires of innumerable cigarettes do, the workshop would be closed down right away.”
          Károly Lapis, M.D., A.D.M.S.
          Member of the Hungarian
          Academy of Sciences. 1982.

“Smoking remains the single most important preventable cause of death in our society.”
          C. Everett Koop, M.D., Sc.D.
          US Surgeon General. 1989.

“It is not enough to offer young children and adolescents the choice between tobacco or health, it is necessary to guide them in making the choice. Every child should have the right to grow up without tobacco.”
          Hiroshi Nakajima, M.D., Ph.D.
          WHO Director General. 1990.

“No longer can we let the tobacco industry target our children with false messages regarding smoking.” -- “All nations should establish comprehensive school health education programs on smoking prevention along with strategies to make tobacco products difficult for young people to obtain.” -- “The challenge is great, but the stakes are greater.”
          Antonia C. Novello, M.D.
          US Surgeon General. 1992.

“While most people alredy know smoking is dangerous, most don't realize how enormous the risks are.” -- “The problem with smoking is that there's an enormous delay between the increase in smoking among young adults and the increase in death.”
          Richard Peto, F.R.S. 1992.

“Let the leaders set a good example first! Let the Government be free from smoking in Hungary!.”
          Jo Eric Asvall, M.D.
          WHO Regional Director
          for Europe. 1994.

“To my last breath will I fight against smoking of teenagers.”
          Albert Gore,
          Vice-President of USA. 1996.

“I am a doctor. I belive in science and evidence. Let me state /here today/: Tobacco is a killer.”
          Gro Harlem Brundtland, M.D.
          WHO Director General. 1998.

“We all need to strengthen our efforts to prevent young people from ever starting to smoke, and to encourage smokers of all ages to quit.”
          Richard Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.
          US Surgeon General. 2005.

“Tobacco companies try to take a public bath via corporate responsibility conferences, but there's no ethical soap that can scrub away their role on 4.9 million global deaths a year.”
          Simon F. Chapman, B.A., Ph.d.

“Smoking is an advance contract. Those who smoke don't pay now, but will do so 30 to 40 years later, when their health fails. They pay with lung cancer, with obstructive airways disorders, with cardiovascular diseases. One in two smokers pays with their life.”
          LEE Jong-wook, M.D., M.P.H.
          WHO Director General. 2006.

“An environment free of involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke should remain an important national priority in order to reach the Healthy People 2010 objectives.”
          Richard Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.
          US Surgeon General. 2006.

“In order to survive, the tobacco industry needs to replace those who quit or die with new young consumers.” - “A ban on all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship is a powerful tool we can use to protect the world's youth.”
          Margaret Chan, M.D.,
          WHO Director General. 2008.

“We hold in our hands the solution (Tobacco Health Warnings) to the global tobacco epidemic that threatens the lives of one billion men, women and children during this century.”
          Margaret Chan, M. D.
          WHO Director General. 2009.

“The anti-smoking law will reduce the number of csildren who take up smoking and ultimately save American lives.”
          Barack H. Obama,
          President of USA. 2009.

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Copyright: Lajos Pákozdi, M. D.2010.